“Modern medicine can be incredible, but sometimes, it can be frustrating. Personally, I struggled, going from doctor to doctor for my son and me, experiencing a multitude of tests and scary possible diagnosis options, only to never receive true answers - just more tests or more referrals or vague rationales that we knew were not the real issues. Then, we met Dr. Lobur and all of that changed.
Dr. Lobur WANTS to hear your symptoms - and all of them! He doesn’t focus on just one aspect of the body, like a “specialist” - ignoring half of the ailments you have. Instead, he listens to you and then treats the body as a whole. He spends time with you and never makes you feel rushed. That in and of itself is a rare find, but then his knowledge base on how to help is incredible. He is educated on things that so many doctors in the medical field are simply uneducated on!
It didn’t take Dr. Lobur long at all to find my mold toxicity and lyme co-infections… aspects never even considered by the plethora of doctors that I had seen prior. If that weren’t enough, when he finds an issue, he also has resources of wonderful people who can help! It ended up that our home (much to our surprise) was the source of our mold issue, and Dr. Lobur connected us to fantastic companies that made the whole process easy! - and they work in tandem with Dr. Lobur so that you don’t have to be the middle man!
I owe my health and my sanity to Dr. Lobur. I was starting to believe that I was crazy and that there was either nothing “wrong” with me or that it would never be diagnosed. We were dreading doctors and what tests would be recommenced next. Dr. Lobur changed all of that. He is making my family and me healthy again and has given us peace of mind. He’s doing it all through natural remedies - natural remedies that are not hard on the body with harsh side effects and that actually WORK! His knowledge base is truly impressive & his level of care is like none other.
His office staff is so nice, friendly, patient, and quick to respond to calls and emails. Their communication is fabulous, and if you need to order things through them, shipping is fast! We’ve had nothing but wonderful experiences working with everyone! Plus, you can have subsequent consults over the phone with Dr. Lobur! Who does that? We are so impressed and feel so very blessed to be under Dr. Lobur’s care. He has changed our lives! We highly, highly recommend Dr. Lobur to everyone!”
— Christa
“When I came to Dr. Lobur, I was a complete mess. It was a struggle to get through each day. I remember during the first appointment with Dr. Lobur that I almost passed out, I was just so tired and in so much pain. I was dealing with migraines, constant horrible stomach aches, fibromyalgia, and various other problems that had persisted and gotten worse over the past 15 years. Even though my case was anything but straight forward, Dr. Lobur was able to help me by treating me as a whole, instead of prescribing medications that only dealt with the individual symptoms. His prescription of lifestyle changes and short-term use of supplements addressed the root cause of the issues. I rarely get migraines anymore, my stomach aches have completely resolved, I haven’t had a fibromyalgia flare in over a year, I have the energy to get through the day and can be spontaneous now. Ultimately, Dr. Lobur gave a quality of life I had not had since I was 10 years old or anticipated ever having again.”
— Lisa
“I began seeing Dr. Lobur when I was looking for a Functional Medicine physician in the Pittsburgh area. I had already visited several conventional doctors and they couldn’t find a reason for my issues. Dr. Lobur was able to get to the root of the problem and help me greatly improve my health.”
— Jill U.
“I have been to many doctors for many years. Not one compares to Dr. Lobur. He is brilliant, compassionate, and knows about how to get to the root of a health problem. He truly does listen to your concerns, orders all the right tests, and puts the pieces of the puzzle together to find an answer. I highly recommend him!”
— Lynn B.
“When I came to you with my daughter three months ago, my hope was to uncover why her asthma had continued to worsen. You did that and much more than I ever expected. Sophia had suffered from asthma for many years and instead of outgrowing it like many 11 year olds do, her flare ups worsened and she missed several days of school. In addition, several other things were happening with Sophia, such as headaches, stomach aches , fatigue, and ultimately depression. We were not in a good place.
What a difference three months can make. Honestly, I have never seen my daughter smile, laugh and socialize as she has been recently. It’s so apparent that other children are noticing and commenting. Sophia is a happy child! It brings me tears of joy. When you changed her diet, I was skeptical and unsure she’d adhere to it for long, but I was wrong. She understands the consequences of not eating the right foods and she wants to continue to feel good. To support Sophia, we made these dietary changes as a family and implemented them as part of our everyday life.
Dr. Lobur, the fact that you not only uncovered things within Sophia that could be exacerbating her asthma, but also the environmental factors, is unbelievable. You have done more for us in three months than anyone in the past eight years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You truly have changed our lives for the better.”
— Colleen C.
“As a sufferer of an autoimmune condition, I felt that conventional medicine had been leaving me hanging and that I could be doing more to get myself in a healthier state. My wife introduced me to Dr. Lobur and he made me believe that I could do more through diet and supplementation to get myself where I wanted to be. Eighteen months later, I am happy to report that his guidance has done more for me than I even thought was possible.”
— Michael P.
“I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for the pleasure of my visit. Not only is your office warm and welcoming, but the time that you spent with me was both informational and comforting. As a healthcare provider, I can only hope that I have been able to provide this to the patients for whom I have cared.”
— Diane O.
“I was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis almost two years ago. I was in such bad shape that I was unable to work full time and I would spend much of my day on the couch. This was very hard on my family; I was searching for answers everywhere. My experience with the standard course of treatment was not good. I was hoping to get better with any natural approach I could find, trying everything I could. Nothing seemed to help me. I knew I needed some expert guidance.
I was really trying to find a Functional Medicine doctor that could help me find the root cause of my issue. I am so happy I found Dr. Lobur’s practice. Through advanced diagnostic testing, he was able to zero in on many of the issues I was experiencing and prescribe a protocol for me including diet, supplements and even medications (because of the severity of my condition.) His staff was great to work with as well.
Over the course of several months, I was able to gain my life back and my energy levels increased. I was able to function much more normally. He was also able to recommend a great GI doctor, with whom we continue to work in tandem. My family and I are so grateful for the care I received through Dr. Lobur. I look forward to continuing on this journey with him.”
— David E.
“Dr. Lobur has helped me in many ways. Through various testing from his office, he found that I had a camplyobactor infection, SIBO, and low thyroid function. He put me on a GI regimen, which conquered my infections and is helping me regulate my thyroid. We are also working on lowering my mercury toxicity. Dr. Lobur always takes time to answer all of my questions. I have also had phone consults with him which have helped tremendously. He is very caring, understanding, and knowledgeable. I feel very fortunate to have found him.”
— Debbie B.
“I travel an hour and twenty minutes to see Dr. Lobur. I am going through the worst health crisis of my life and have been treated by many doctors at various hospitals. I have more confidence in Dr. Lobur than any of the others. When you go to his office, they take you in at the time of your appointment. During your appointment, you see the doctor, not a PA. Dr Lobur spends the entire appointment with you and is very thorough. I would definitely recommend him.”
— Mike C.
“I began working with Dr. Lobur in January after I had been experiencing various health issues and had learned that a Functional MD could better assist me with getting to the root of my health issues. Dr. Lobur thoroughly evaluated my health through blood work and advanced tests. He transitioned me from thyroid medicine that I had been on since I was 15 to thyroid medication that better treated my thyroid symptoms. This change immediately boosted my energy and sense of well-being! I began feeling better immediately and the transition was smooth, with no complications. I have since lost 17.7 lbs between the changes in my thyroid meds and working with a nutrition coach. Dr. Lobur has been able to identify the underlying root causes of my health issues and has been working with me to promote healing in my body through supplements. Dr. Lobur has consistently taken the time each step of the way to explain the test results and his recommendations to promote health and healing in my body. I would highly recommend him as a Functional Medical doctor!”
— Mary H.
“I started seeing Dr. Lobur several years ago when I was seeking out a Functional Medicine doctor. I was so impressed at the first meeting. It was 90 minutes and we talked for the entire time about preventive medicine. Dr. Lobur really got to know me. He really listens to what you’re saying and searches for the underlying cause vs. treating symptoms. Since then, we have worked together to identify what supplements I have needed to maintain my health. He also has helped me with nutrition to help with overall health and wellness. We are currently working together to solve a chronic issue which, looking back, I have had off and on for eight years and have never had an answer for. I feel like Dr. Lobur and I are partners in my health!!!”
— Kelle C.
“I’ve seen quite a few doctors over the past 10 years to try to figure out what was causing a rash on my face and very low energy. From conventional physicians, dermatologists, a naturopath, a Chinese medical doctor and an endocrinologist — none offered any diagnosis that made sense, and none of the proposed treatments made a difference. Dr. Lobur was the first physician that was able to properly diagnose my issue and now we are working on various treatment options. He is very knowledgeable, caring and supportive. In addition, the office staff are very responsive with calls and emails. I’m grateful to have found Dr. Lobur and truly feel like a partner with him on this healing journey.”
— Sharon S.
“As an engineer, the idea of Functional Medicine immediately appealed to me as soon as I learned about it on YouTube from folks like Dr. Mark Hyman. I searched the Institute of Functional Medicine (ifm.org) for a local practitioner and found Dr. Lobur. I did my intake with Dr. Lobur in June 2015. I complained of low energy, elevated blood lipids and PSA, adrenal fatigue and poor memory. Dr Lobur did a series of tests, most notably the DUTCH test. He prescribed a series of supplements which resulted in significant improvements in my complaints. Now at my three year mark, I believe it is time to check my markers again and see what Dr. Lobur has to recommend to maintain my health. I take no prescription medications at the age of 67,and I plan to keep it that way with Dr. Lobur’s help.”
— Greg S.
“I have been seeing Dr. Lobur for about 1.5 years. I came to him shortly after completing cancer treatment which left me cancer-free, but not feeling well at all. I took responsibility for investigating and addressing my many symptoms as best I could, and sought help from several medical specialists. But I received little help or encouragement and felt discouraged and overwhelmed. During my research, I began to learn about Functional Medicine and the idea of finding and treating the root causes of illness. Eventually I found my way to Dr. Lobur. His help has made a huge difference for me. His knowledge, direction and compassion have helped set me on a clearer path to healing. I do not feel as alone or overwhelmed as I continue to work towards being as healthy as I can.”
— Tamara W.
“When I decided to begin working with Dr. Lobur, I was interested in working with someone who had a Functional Medicine perspective as well as someone who would respect my opinions and decisions about my body. I like a two-way, open communication dialogue with a doctor and have found that with Dr. Lobur. He is very comprehensive and thorough in his assessment, and his recommendations were clear. I appreciated his open line of communication and feedback when questions arose during implementation of a treatment protocol. I have seen progress with my particular health situation, and we are continuing to peel back the layers of my chronic issues and address them. The office staff is knowledgeable, supportive, efficient and enjoyable to work with.”
— Judie M.
“I wanted to say thank you for your care. I have been sick since 2009 and have been off and on medical treatments throughout the years, never getting much better, but just hanging onto life. I have been referred to several physicians who don’t look at the whole picture, and just want to keep treating symptoms and prescribing more drugs, which cause even more side effects. You are the only doctor that has looked at my whole body chemistry and systems, and cared to find the root causes of my symptoms. I’m thankful to have you as my doctor as I have a much better quality of life now as you keep up with the current medical literature and are willing to think outside the box. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
— Paula N.
“I came to Dr. Lobur when I was looking for a Functional Medicine doctor to address a GI issue I was having. One of the best things about working with Dr. Lobur is the time he spends listening to you and taking your concerns seriously. After an endoscopy and colonoscopy, several other doctors dismissed my GI issues, except to label them as “IBS”. Dr. Lobur took a very thorough health history and recommended several tests. They revealed that I had a GI infection (SIBO) and my pancreatic function was compromised. With his help, and the addition of supplements and herbal anti-microbials, we were able to resolve this condition.
I feel he truly does care about the patient. I would recommend him for anyone trying to improve a complex health issue. ”
— Cynthia S.
“Dr. Lobur restored our faith in healthcare. My mom was sick with Lyme disease and we felt lost with nowhere to turn. Conventional doctors offered little guidance. Dr. Lobur was able to formulate a protocol that restored my mom’s health. Thank you, Dr. Lobur, for your dedication to functional medicine and to healing. You are a godsend. We will be forever grateful. ”
— Tara and Patti
“My son started his journey back to health when we met Dr. Lobur. It was last fall and he was in his junior year of high school. We had been to GI specialists, Infectious Disease specialists and mental health physicians. They all agreed something was causing his immune system to be compromised, but could not determine the underlying cause of his illness. Meanwhile, his health deteriorated to the point where he could barely make it through the school day, let alone wrestling practice. A once vibrant, athletic young man spent his days in bed feeling fatigued, unable to sleep or concentrate and experiencing weight loss. He looked and felt terrible. After ruling out lyme disease and other parasitic diseases, the Infectious Disease specialists left us hopeless. I turned to Functional Medicine for help and discovered Dr. Lobur. After a thorough 90-min evaluation, Dr. Lobur began to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and suspected mold illness. He was tested for Lyme and mold and the tests revealed mycotoxin exposure. We began remediation of our home and detoxification protocols, along with nutritional supplements to treat our son. Within 3 months, we saw major progress and after 6 months, our son was back. His health has been restored and is now ready to enter his senior year. We are so grateful for the knowledge and support we received from Dr. Lobur and his staff. -Maria”
“Dr. Lobur saved my life. I was so sick and literally felt like I was going to die. I loved being outdoors, was a wrestler and an active guy in high school at Central Catholic. I was too tired and sick to do anything. Dr. Lobur figured out what was wrong with me and now 9 months later, I feel better than I’ve ever felt! I know I’ll be susceptible to mold illness for the rest of my life, but now I know what to be aware of and how to treat it. Thank you Dr. Lobur for saving my life. You guys were awesome!
-Austin ”
“I wanted to take a moment to say thank you. After two visits and a few minor changes to my lifestyle, I no longer have crippling anxiety that has been debilitating at work for the past two years. I also suffer from PMDD, which has been eliminated. Traditional doctors have been trying to encourage me to take antidepressants to manage these symptoms, none of which were effective without intolerable side effects. Thanks to the support of Dr. Lobur and his staff, I have made significant improvement.